All of the advertisements below were originally published in the Cazenovia Republican unless otherwise noted. Luther BurnellPilot - 1808 Luther BurnellPilot - 1809 Uriah AldrichPilot - 1809 Uriah AldrichPilot - 1817 E&M Miles and Thomas Coope1830 Elisha Allis1830 Luther BurnellPilot - 1830 Whitman Cobb1830 A.C. Hodge 1831 Whitman Cobb1831 Whitman Cobb1832 Eber Peet1847 E.L. Bigelow1847 Eber Peet and John McCabe1852 John McCabe1857 Eber Peet1868 J.L. Darling1868 Eber Peet1868 J.L. Darling1868 J.L. Darling and Nathan & Frank Soult1869 John & Patrick McCabe1875 Bernard Riley1875 John McCabe & Son1877 John McCabe 1877 McCabe Bros.1889 John Henry O’Neil1894 John McCabe Jr.1888 Martin McCabe & James Smith1900 Martin McCabe1900 James Smith1901